Saturday, July 23, 2011

(MA) progress..

Well, the trip is done, and a week of massive workload is finally came to a stop thanks to the weekend.

Which brings us to...more MA stuff! yay!

So basically, me and serkan finally got the project running online, and we did a mockup run with QR tags last weekend, recorded it as video to show a short movie at the end of the year show.

I did about 4-5 drawings over the weekend to go on the websites for the project. I'll explain how it works.

The background//story, the first thing the players see:

The players see a QR tag, availible to both factions, click on it and read the storyline. They pick a faction, either choose to hide the "truth" or to spread it. Then they find more QR tags, scattered around with clues where to find them. Which leads them deeper into the layers of the story, with more artworks and fun! - well hopefully

Some of the artworks I've done, they're quick jobs, as we were pushed by the time limit (I had to get back to work - thus London) but if the project continues, I can make more detailed ones.

Before you ask, the writings are just gibberish, I've looked at several oriental and non-latin alphabets and just drew similar images.

So what will happen now? Tomorrow and next weekend I'll make the small video. I need to make some pages and some explanation writings for the video, edit it and render it afterwards. I'm not very experienced in the subject but hopefully all will go well =)

See you later!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

(MA) part2

Well, some advances today, we seem to be making some advances. We'll do some tryout videos tomorrow if the weather holds. Its been raining like hell lately.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

(MA) Some advances

Some ideas!

a- The design aspect of the game changed a bit when we realised we wanted to use hidden signs on the photographs. The cellphone screens are quite small to see photo manupilation on a detailed scale, and giving massive glowing signs on the buildings seems like a better idea.

The game will have a webpage where we can hopefully get people logged in via facebook. There, when they click on the QR tags on the specific zones, they will get a small "scenario" and a photo, moving their "account" or the player into the next layer of "reality"

It kinda sounds confusing, but bear with me. Also I have found out by accident that you can insert other imagery into QR tags up to 15% of the whole image(Although you have to avoid touching the squares on the corners) and get away with it. The phone still reads, although you have to try several positions. This could be a nice idea to make the QR tags more of our own. I will practice with them a bit more.

The glowing signs I'm talking about are going to be something similar like these;

Something like this.

Meanwhile, I did more drawings, in a dark mood lately, it's raining mad here in Edinburgh.

While I'm working on these ideas, Serkan is trying to get the website running now.

Friday, July 15, 2011

(MA) Edinburgh trip part 1

Hello all,

Today I've arrived to edinburgh to finally finish our project, or atleast take giant steps forwards. I will be uploading the blog everyday. So....lets begin!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

(MA) Update

Hey everyone,

The project is going well. In about 2 weeks I will head to edinburgh to finally finish up everything and record the documentary for the final show.

Busy with the art side of the project these days, trying to get the design ready. I will hopefully post some pictures soon with some of the 'layers' I'm preparing for it.