Friday, December 10, 2010
(MA) Project Proposal
1. Working Title:
This project is creating a GPS based smart phone application, which will enable the users to interact with the real world in a series of mini-quests that will take them around a specific city.
2. Aims + Objectives:
The aim of this project is to complete a fully running GPS based smart phone application that will enable the user to interact with the real world in a series of puzzle/quests where he will eventually go through several small objectives and each step will bring him closer to the imaginary parallel universe that we will create. The player will see this imaginary parallel universe through a series of artwork that I will make. My previous education as an illustrator should be helpful in this process.
The application will send the user around the city to complete a series of quests. It’s not decided yet whether or not for these quests to pop up whenever the player runs through a specific part of the town he lives in or he will be strictly sent to the places we want him to go, but basically as he completes these quests, he will get more complicated visions of several more buildings/monuments etc. that will give him the clues where to go next.
The objective is to help the user experience the fact that the real world might be unreal, and what he sees is not what everyone else does. The idea of perception is quite important here. Although the project has various aims since it’s a joint project, I personally want to see how art and games can effect the perception of reality, and how the player experiences these steps his feelings and his emotions throughout the process. The usage of a mobile phone or any other object as a “looking glass” to the other side is something worth looking into.
We also have to create a working program. We are aiming our project towards the Android system, as we’ve spoken with many people and most of the professionals in this area told us to avoid Apple software. The thing that may go wrong is the programming phase. We still haven’t found a proper programmer for android applications, although a search is still ongoing. Worst case scenario will be using barcode reader programs, which are open source and quite easy to use, but a GPS tracking version would be ideal.
There’s also the phase of creating and deciding what our “other world” will be, and creating the artwork for that.
3. Context:
Mobile phones are becoming context-aware, with GPS positioning, recognition of objects by infrared or wireless tags, and automatic interpretation of images. They’re offering opportunities to support new forms of learning and recreational activities through contextual support for field trips, location-based guides, and environmental studies and to assist everyday activities. There are many studies around this area, many of them trying to engage the user in small “treasure hunt” type games or mostly informative text based applications. The idea of combining a fully made game that makes the user engaged in both a storyline and a location based quest system is however, quite new. Adding the touch of an artist to a project like this and seeing the player’s interaction with the game and recording their experience is an unexplored zone.
There are many games that deal with location based programming. Geocaching is the most prominent example with a large community. It is nominally a single-player kind of treasure hunt which is usually played using hand-held GPS receivers with user-hidden boxes.
Tourality is a real life multiplayer GPS game for mobile phones that support JavaME and GPS (integrated in the mobile phone or as an external Bluetooth). The challenge is to reach geographically defined spots by running, biking or driving before others in realtime. So called 'Spots', 'Points of Interest' and 'Game-Templates' can be created with Google Maps by users in supported areas on the website. This user-generated content is the basis for outdoor games. Tourality offers a singleplayer and two multiplayer (player vs. player and team vs. team) modes. Currently the game is available as a free beta version.
Torpedo Bay uses the area in and around you to avoid being killed by various ocean warships (carriers etc.) To survive, you must move in your neighborhood to get more ammunition and health to stay alive. GPS enabled mobile handsets allow for real time location information.
There are also the University of Nottingham’s LSRI (Learning Sciences Research Institute) research projects. They involve with mostly smart phone or data pad applications. Their Mixed Reality Lab has been home to several projects that are involved in our area.
There’s also Blast Theory. Blast Theory is a Brighton-based artists’ group, whose work mixes interactive media, digital broadcasting and live performance. Works such as Can You See Me Now? (2001), a game of chase through real and virtual city streets, have seen Blast Theory mix video games and performance, with Can You See Me Now? and You Get Me (2008) being open to a worldwide audience via the internet. Recent work uses mobile technologies such as text messaging, MMS messaging and 3G phones with the aim of “exploring how technology might be considered to create new cultural spaces in which the work is customized and personalized for each participant”
4: Methodology:
The research methods we’re using are action reflection, and library based literature. We have also visited several places and met with couple of people who are working and/or researching in our area, they work with the Napier University, and the University of Nottingham. Making contacts like this enabled us a flowing web of information.
I’m in the process of recording every single idea in my sketchbooks, an habit gained as an artist. I’m also trying to add everything to my blog, however I’m a bit unused to such recording methods, and some stuff left behind time to time. We have weekly meeting, even though its on random days of the week, where we sit down and chat about what ideas came to mind.
The process of this project will be recorded digitally on the blog, and the project experimentation will be recorded on video. We will have a player with the game interact with it while we experiment and see how it works.
Some ideas that came to mind so far are the idea of making a 3D world using Google Earth’s street view. I wanted to collage on a full street where the viewer could turn his vision around using the phone as a looking glass, but this may be a far fetched idea. Other things that might be considered are using sound based games to make the player interact with the phone more, and putting him in funny situations, like where he would have to shout in a library (where he will be pinpointed by the GPS) to “calculate” the trajectory of something the quest requires, or using the phone as a mirror to find a vampire in a room where the phone would recognize the walls from its camera and view the 180 degrees opposite on its screen. Although I keep coming up with different ideas like this, we will be really limited with the programming capabilities, so they’re left for later.
5. Outcomes:
The final presentation will be a fully working application/game on the android phones. There will also be a series of artworks made for the project, and hopefully a video documentary of a user working through the game.
7. Work Plan:
- Find a programmer
- The research part, finding a city to build our game on (probably Edinburgh since its feel is old and mystical)
- Creating the game, the quests, the layers, mostly the written part.
- Creating the artwork.
8. Bibliography:
Walter Benjamin - the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
Christine Boyer - The city of collective memory
John Seeley Brown - The Coming Age of Calm Technology
Gaston Bachelard – The Poetics of Space
E.H Gombrich – The Uses of Images
John Carroll - Making use - Scenario based design of human computer interactions
Lev Manovich – The Language of New Media
Christiane Paul – Digital Art
John Berger – Ways of Seeing
Manuel Castells - the information city
Manuel Castells - The internet galaxy
Steven graham - Splintering urbanism: Networked infrastructures, technological mobilities, and the urban condition
Steve Shafer - Ten Dimensions of Ubiquitous Computing
Malcolm McCullough - Digital ground
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
(MA) The Mind's Eye, and Realism
The mind's eye;
The phrase "mind's eye" refers to the human ability for visualization, i.e., for the experiencing of visual mental imagery; in other words, one's ability to "see" things with the mind.
And Representative Realism;
Representational realism, related to indirect realism, is a philosophical concept, broadly equivalent to the accepted view of perception in natural science. Unfortunately, the meaning of the theory is dependent on the user's interpretation of words like 'perceive', 'reality' etc. such that in the longstanding debate between representational (indirect) and naive (direct) realists each side will always claim that the other has not understood their position. Thus, readers of this account must ask what the writer(s) believe(s) their words to mean.
Representational realism states that we do not (and cannot) perceive the external world as it really is; instead we know only our ideas and interpretations of the way the world is. This might be said to indicate that a barrier or 'veil of perception' prevents first-hand knowledge of the world, but the representational realist would deny that 'first hand knowledge' in this sense is a coherent concept, since knowledge is always via some means.
An indirect realist believes our ideas of the world are interpretations of sense data derived from a real external world (unlike idealists). The debate then occurs about how ideas or interpretations arise. At least since Newton, natural scientists have made it clear that the current scope of science cannot address this. Nevertheless, the alternative, that we have knowledge of the outside world unconstrained by our means of access through sense organs that does not require interpretation would appear to be inconsistent with every day observation.
Aristotle was the first to provide an in-depth description of indirect realism. In On the Soul he describes how the eye must be affected by changes in an intervening medium rather than by objects themselves. He then speculates on how these sense impressions can form our experience of seeing and reasons that an endless regress would occur unless the sense itself were self aware. He concludes by proposing that the mind is the things it thinks. He calls the images in the mind "ideas".
Indirect realism has been popular in the history of philosophy and has been developed by many philosophers including Bertrand Russell, Baruch Spinoza, René Descartes, and John Locke.
Representationalism is one of the key assumptions of cognitivism in psychology.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
(EN) Some sketching
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
(MA) Something to read
Let's just read now;
“ | The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth--it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true. | ” |
Simulacra and Simulation is most known for its discussion of images, signs, and how they relate to contemporaneity. Baudrillard claims that our current society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that human experience is of a simulation of reality. Moreover, these simulacra are not merely mediations of reality, nor even deceptive mediations of reality; they are not based in a reality nor do they hide a reality, they simply hide that anything like reality is irrelevant to our current understanding of our lives. The simulacra that Baudrillard refers to are the significations and symbolism of culture and media that construct perceived reality, the acquired understanding by which our lives and shared existence is rendered legible; Baudrillard believed that society has become so saturated with these simulacra and our lives so saturated with the constructs of society that all meaning was being rendered meaningless by being infinitely mutable. Baudrillard called this phenomenon the "precession of simulacra".
"Simulacra and Simulation" breaks the sign-order into 4 stages:
- The first stage is a faithful image/copy, where we believe, and it may even be correct that, a sign is a "reflection of a profound reality" (pg 6), this is a good appearance, in what Baudrillard called "the sacramental order".
- The second stage is perversion of reality, this is where we believe the sign to be an unfaithful copy, which "masks and denatures" reality as an "evil appearance-it is of the order of maleficence". Here, signs and images do not faithfully show us reality, but can hint at the existence of something real which the sign itself is incapable of encapsulating.
- The third stage masks the absence of a profound reality, where the simulacrum pretends to be a faithful copy, but it is a copy with no original. Signs and images claim to represent something real, but no representation is taking place and arbitrary images are merely suggested as things which they have no relationship to. Baudrillard calls this the "order of sorcery".
- The fourth stage is pure simulation, in which the simulacrum has no relationship to any reality whatsoever. Here, signs merely reflect other signs and any claim to reality on the part of images or signs is only of the order of other such claims.
Simulacra and Simulation identifies three types of simulacra and identifies each with a historical period:
- First order, associated with the premodern period, where the image is clearly an artificial placemarker for the real item. The uniqueness of objects and situations marks them as irreproducibly real and signification obviously gropes towards this reality.
- Second order, associated with the modernity of the Industrial Revolution, where distinctions between image and reality break down due to the proliferation of mass-reproducible copies of items, turning them into commodities. The commodity's ability to imitate reality threatens to replace the original version, especially when the individual person is only concerned with consuming for some utility a functional facsimile.
- Third order, associated with the postmodernity, where the simulacrum precedes the original and the distinction between reality and representation vanishes. There is only the simulacrum, and originality becomes a totally meaningless concept.[2]
Baudrillard theorizes that the lack of distinctions between reality and simulacra originates in several phenomena:
- Contemporary media including television, film, print and the Internet, which are responsible for blurring the line between goods that are needed and goods for which a need is created by commercial images.
- Exchange value, in which the value of goods is based on money rather than usefulness.
- Multinational capitalism, which separates produced goods from the plants, minerals and other original materials and the processes used to create them.
- Urbanization, which separates humans from the natural world.
- Language and ideology, in which language is used to obscure rather than reveal reality when used by dominant, politically powerful groups.
A specific analogy that Baudrillard uses is a fable derived from On Exactitude in Science by Jorge Luis Borges. In it, a great Empire created a map that was so detailed it was as large as the Empire itself. The actual map grew and decayed as the Empire itself conquered or lost territory. When the Empire crumbled, all that was left was the map. In Baudrillard's rendition, it is the map that people live in, the simulation of reality, and it is reality that is crumbling away from disuse.
- The transition from signs which dissimulate something to signs which dissimulate that there is nothing, marks the decisive turning point. The first implies a theology of truth and secrecy (to which the notion of ideology still belongs). The second inaugurates an age of simulacra and simulation, in which there is no longer any God to recognize his own, nor any last judgment to separate truth from false, the real from its artificial resurrection, since everything is already dead and risen in advance.[3]
It is important to note that when Baudrillard refers to the "precession of simulacra" in Simulacra and Simulation, he is referring to the way simulacra have come to precede the real in the sense mentioned above, rather than to any succession of historical phases of the image. Referring to "On Exactitude in Science", he argued that just as for contemporary society the simulated copy had superseded the original object, so, too, the map had come to precede the geographic territory (c.f. Map–territory relation), e.g. the first Gulf War (see below): the image of war preceded real war.
- Henceforth, it is the map that precedes the territory - precession of simulacra - it is the map that engenders the territory and if we were to revive the fable today, it would be the territory whose shreds are slowly rotting across the map.[4]
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
(MA) Alchemy !
It's called alchemy, an open drawing program.
It's just...brilliant to put into words. The program is fast, very fast, it has very limited selection, and unfortunately no pressure support for tablets, but I'm sure that will come fast.
The simplicity of the program makes you work like magic, just draw draw draw. It's not for making complete artworks though, just small sketches and concept work to move on later.
This was just 3-4 minutes on the program, only using 1 brush. Te-hee!
(MA) Not much this week
We discussed a bit on what to do next, I'll be doing couple of quick storyboard drawing for our project to explain it a bit better, atleast visually.
Apart from that, I took a course on Puredata (or PD), a programming language for visual/audio software, however I really didn't like it's language that much. The idea of memorising objects to write a visual language with drag&drop boxes didn't appeal to me, and the program looks like it's meant for a more audio-related crowd.
Anyways, I'll update more once I got some stuff going on. Oh and, mini note, I got on facebook. hurray :(
Friday, November 12, 2010
(MA) The Edinburgh trip, and the seeds of the project
It all started on 4th of november. I mean, I was planning on going to Edinburgh at some point, but not then. I finished my job interview at 2pm, and called Serkan, with whom we'll be doing this project this year, and he just said, "hop on a train and come to Edinburgh now, you'll never be able to do that if you get the job."
Oh well...
I went home, packed and got on the 5pm train. By the way, small detail, never-ever-ever go on peak hour trains, they're bloody expensive. Took me 5 miserable no-internet hours to get there, and by the time I arrived, I set my foot on this empty city. Even the train station, which is supposed to be full of people was deserted.
For future reference, this is Serkan.
Serkan picked me up, and after some lengthly chats, we went to sleep. The next day was quite amazing for me. As an artist, many things effect me quite dramatically. Aesthetics, culture and many other small details fill me with emotions. I was not ready for this city though.
Spires, spires and more gothic buildings! oh my!
As if saved in a time bubble from 18th century, Edinburgh looks like one of those cities you see in movies about duellists, mages, dark sorcery and witches. From every corner I expected people with rapiers and flintlock pistols running about. The walls and the architecture simply mirrored this old era. Apart from couple of buildings that stood out like 1980's architecture nightmares with the "modern" title (especially bank buildings) The city throughout is able to give you this feeling. I sincerely suggest anyone who has the ability to go there see it for yourselves.
Even random buildings have arrow-slits!
And the city has a castle built on a cliff in the middle of it.
Anyways, focusing on the project. It was the start of this year when Serkan came up with the idea of using my skills not for just computer related imagery, but for mobile phones as well. To be completely honest with you, I still use my old sony w810 cellphone, an ancient history from 2005. I've played around with smartphones before when I had the chance, but the idea of connecting to internet wherever just scares me, as I can quickly get addicted and instead of doing my normal chores while travelling, which is reading many many books, I would just chat online with friends. The idea was quite ungrown at that time though. We just had the idea of making a narrative story aided with imagery, which would be on a mobile.
There was a lot of brainstorming as we walked around Edinburgh like proper tourists, and to be honest, it was my first time visiting somewhere with a camera, I just always hated the idea, but damn it was fun!
Anyways, what we have in mind right now is a game where people will walk about in a city, unlocking clues and mysteries, just like a detective movie, or the DaVinci code(urgh). It's going to be a "Location Based Narrative Advanture Game which plays with your sense of Reality" if we need long and unusable titles for the future!
We came up with seperate ideas. I wanted to use the telephone screen like a HUD (heads up display) you have in games and fighter jets, where you would be informed about your surroundings, using the device as a "Looking Glass" to the real world. I wanted people to twirl, look through and just walk around using their cellphones like a mirror in a dark room when they couldn't see the vampire that was hunting them. I want people to look at their smartphones not as a smartphone, but something arcane and magic which has a special value.
Serkan wants to make the narrative into layers. The idea is, while the player is playing the game, he will gradually unlock layers into the unreal, seperating our world from what we want to show.
The final layer will be something completely different, something maybe mad to see, a mirroring of our reality in some wicked dimension.
Other ideas flew around in the next couple of days. We watched the 5th of november firework show on top of a hill while discussing the subject. I wanted to include the idea of a "Fog of War" in the game. I think it would be fun for the player to unlock this other "map" on top of our real-world map like the googlemaps on gps. As he walks around, he would unravel the city slowly, and maybe seperate quests would show up, and he could go investigate them. I am not sure if this is even possible, but it would be quite fun.
Serkan, always the realist, is more concerned about the technological aspects.
Next, while walking about museums, and speaking about the addictive parts of games, came the idea of making it a bit thrilling for the players at some points. I want the players to do what they wouldn't normally do in real world, ofcourse without getting them into much trouble. My example would be a person in a library, where the game asks him to shout at a specific decibel for unlocking the next secret, perhaps the echo from his vantage point would reveal some clue about the storyline. Normally a person wouldn't shout or scream in a library, and it would be pretty fun to do it once, while not putting the gamer in danger and probably helping some adrenaline run through his body, which is the whole point.
Museums filled with rapiers and flintlock pistols!
My other example was counting the amount of windows of the castle from a specific point in the middle of the street, standing on a zebra crossing. Again the same principle of not putting the player in danger, but excitement of doing something not right while trying to count the windows would be quite fun while people are honking and yelling at the player.
We spoke about which OS(operating system) to use for this project. Although I don't have any experience in coding, especially for smartphones, thankfully Serkan has some ideas, and selected Android system to use for this project much to my delight, I just really really hate Apple.
I'll write this much for now, I'll include some photos I've taken over the course of this 4 day trip, and write more later.
(MA) The week of travels!
I will probably do seperate entries for each idea I have in mind after this mad week I've gone through. I went to Edinburgh and Nottingham, met with A LOT of people in my area and other expertises, and finally the seeds for our project are thrown in the soil.
Hum hum hum, so much to write about!
I am planning to write my ideas and what we've done under
1- Edinburgh
2- London
3- Nottingham
seperate entries, what we've spoken about with Serkan (Who's the guy I'm doing the project with, but we'll come to that later) and how the project is forming. I will also provide some pictures, because Edinburgh may well be the most exciting city I've ever seen.
Anyways, more will come today, let me wake up first and eat something, too many coach and train rides are taking their toll from my body!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
(MA) Reflective Studies / Research

Today we had a lecture about reflective thinking, studying and keeping a blog.
I have mixed feelings about this.
On one hand, I just hate the idea of sharing what I think and what I do with the people. I also think that blogs are hard to find, and a very small community compared to various forums all over the internet. For random people to find my blog and look at it daily seems highly unlikely, which kinda saps my will about this.
On the other hand, I can understand that there's somehow a science behind this. As Jonathan said today in the lecture, our brain is just like our muscles. You have to train specific parts to teach it how to do things. I think that by using such methods we can train our brain to keep specific information, learn from its mistakes and organize the research into something manageable. Blogs, however simplified, can be a starting tool for this. Which is why I decided to try it.
I will however, try to keep my audiance limited to few people I trust outside the MA. Lets start simple.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
(EN) Executor Tarrator!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
(EN) Venom concept and planning
Hopefully we'll see the product within the next week!
Added some colours to it =)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
(EN) Saim-Hann stories
* - Aleth-arr Van'siel; Bu isim Eldar dilindeki bircok harfin ve kelimenin coklu anlamlari gelmesi nedeniyle tam olarak gotik diline cevrilemesede Saim-Hann craftworld'unde kaldigim dort asir boyunca bu gemi hakkinda bircok hikaye duydum. Gotik diline en mantikli cevirimi "Kucuk kedi pipimi 7" olan gemideki yedi harfinin daha once alti gemi oldugumu yoksa baska bir anlama geldiginimi hala anlamamis olsamda geminin adini her soyledigim zaman karsimdaki eldarin pis pis siritmasindan eldarlar icin derin ve hicivli bir anlami olduguna inaniyorum. Bu konuda Savant Iberep ve benim uzun sureli tartismalarimizinda oldugu "Saim-Hann, kirmizi iblisler" isimli kitabi kutuphanenin 4-66B Xenos irklari ve bilgileri rafinda bulabilirsiniz.
Background, and how Hauclir came to be one with the Spirit Stones that haunt him;
As Hauclir entered the deep cave, his soul is wrapped by great misery. Every flap of skin, every scream had in this room, the smell of torture and blood rush his brain like a tide of water, unstoppable. The blood of the Wyches he dismembered outside made a long stain across the floor where he stepped on, slowly marking his way towards his goal, Adad the Stormbringer.
Adad’s followers, drug-deranged husks that didn’t even put up a fight against him didn’t surprise him. This is what happens if you let go of your emotions, let the flow take you to places he thought. He stepped in Adad’s chambers after a while, finding him meditating in front of some altar. Approaching sword-drawn, he prodded Adad with his boots.
“Wake up you scum, I’m here to take what is mine.” He said.
Adad slowly turned towards Hauclir, handing him a bag with an eerie green glow, which had a knot with a curious symbol on it. His eyes were shut, and he didn’t even speak one word. Hauclir grabbed the bag from the deranged eldars hand, and took a look at Adad’s face, a mask of…his father.
“No!, stop showing his face to me you idiot!” he yelled, and put his sword through the torso of his adversary. A warp blast shook the room, and a small webway gate appeared behind Adad. Hauclir could make small figures inside. Unable to understand what the figures are, he pulled his sword and kicked Adad inside the warpstorm. After watching him disappear into the darkness, he exited the cave, never to look back again. But the stones he took had a mind of their own, and a plan.
Day after day the stones spoke, without stop, about their plans, about Adad and what they wanted to do with him. They wanted Hauclir to take the stones back to Adad. At first, he tried getting rid of them, which didn’t work. The stones somehow would find their way into his room every time. Farseer Nereidd, after investigating the stones carefully just shook her head and left the room. And slowly, Hauclir went mad. Now day after day he searches the Stormcaller across the galaxy, to put an end to his curse, to stop from going totally insane.
“Captain! Wake up captain!”
“Captain we’ve entered the atmosphere, landing on the battlezone in a minute now, wake up!”
Hauclir slowly rose from his back inside the hull of his Waveserpent, the small compartment covered in a bright, migraine lancing yellowish light.
“What…what did you wake me up for you star rat?”
“Captain you told us to raid this imperial silo about two hours ago, before you fainted like a seer on his first farsight” some of the Harlequins inside the Serpent laughed at this remark. “Then we started the raid and carried you to the transport so you can oversee the assault”
“nghh….okay, just….help me get up”
The first mate and one of the Harlequins overseeing Hauclir helped him up, as the Waveserpent ran ramparts inside the imperial line, dodging and sidestepping anti-aircraft fire to reach its destination like a red arrow. After a short while the pilot told them to disembark and the back ramp of the craft almost exploded outwards, fast for eye to follow, and the Harlequins jumped outside, quickly disappearing in the smoke and dust of the battlefield to wreak havoc somewhere of their choosing.
Hauclir slowly stepped outside the battlefield, and fell down on his bottom and covered his ears as the noises came aga”AAAAAAAARGH”
“You alright?”
Then came the swearing that would blush even a khornate marine as he were donating his weekly skulls to the throne. Hauclir rose again, his feet barely keeping him upright, a massive cacophony inside his head, and started towards a trench visible to him. His first mate shook his head, and followed him, but keeping a safe distance, as he knew what was coming shortly.
- What?
- What?
- You don't seem to approve my decisions of late
- I never did approve your decisions, it's just the amusement that followed them kept me here
- So this imperial outpost on Ber'als?
Nereidd sat down on one of the little dodgy chairs in Hauclir's chambers, one of his "contemporary" creations, a hobby he got himself to keep him busy and his mind clear of things. Her delicate fingers, armored within the bright red armour flowed through her robe to straighten its flows while she tried to keep her balance and posture.
- Yeah I will check it out. There is also the matter of our friends with the Ulthwé and Biel-Tan, shall I make contact with them?
- It would suit us better if our presence was unknown. I'll ask the helmsman to put the ship behind the gas cloud, if they probe the sector, they won't know we're here, if they try to communicate you in some...other ways, just keep it simple, I have neither the manpower nor the vehicles to risk open war with anything.
Nereidd got up, and watched in horror as the chair fell on the floor, unable to keep its own balance, shattering into several pieces. They looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to say.
- Whops.
The Dialogue after the first battle, and the parlay;
After they flew back to their cruiser Aleth-arr Van'siel, a wounded and pissed off Nereidd and bemused Hauclir hastly entered Hauclirs room. They were followed by one of the Harlequins that usually kept an eye on Hauclir for no known reason, although every corsair knew speaking to the Harlequins and asking them questions was like speaking to a living wall, non-responsive and damned scary. Nereidd sat down on a table, her arm skewered through cleanly by a bayonet that was still attached.
- Well are you going to pull it out or what?
- It's going to hurt...a lot.
- Let's just get it over with, what happened after I passed out?
- We managed fine, that was NOT a small outpost though, what happened to easy pickings and setting up new bases for operation? Bloody hell, if they had any idea we were coming we'd be in deep trouble. I think next time you shou.....JUST WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!
They both looked at the lone Harlequin pouring some really expensive and rare specimen of wine in a thin delicate glass, the type of wine that would be laid down by your grandparents, and eldar live really long. The Harlequin stared at them, his mask turning into a very dramatic sad face. Hauclir, using this distraction pulled out the bayonets blade and removed the xeno-mesh armour plates of Nereidd's rune armour to apply medi-gels and bandages. Nereidd screamed at first, but then stopped and stared at the door, like expecting someone to enter, which happened moments later.
- Well now you can forsee
- Oh just shut up, who the hell are these?
Two corsairs had entered the room, with a human female in tow, chained in arms. Hauclir finished his business and turned to his corsairs.
- Well what is this?
- We found her after you took off with the Falcon, we were looking and equipment around the battlefield and in the outpost. Her clothing and jewellery looked quite posh capt'n, we thought it'd be smart to show her to you.
- What is she saying?
- I think she means to have an agreement with us captain
- Well that noise is pretty damn annoying. Nereidd you speak Imperial, ask her what she wants.
Nereidd got up from her position, grimacing in pain. She approached the human female, her intimidating form and blood stained face making the girl backpedal in fear.
- Speak human, tell me who you are and what you want.
- Finally someone who speaks gothic! Thank the Emperor! I want a parlay with your captain.
- Who are you to make demands here?
- I am the governors daughter!
The Harlequin, forgotten in the events, dramatically dropped the glass he was holding, making a noise which took everyones attention. He shrugged and slowly walked away.
- She says she's the Imperial governors daughter Hauclir, now what are we going to do?
- Well, that was unexpected.
An offensive diplomatic struggle with the Ulthwé;
Elomar grabbed his singing spear in terror as he watched the guardian unit he was leading turned into mincemeat by the giant shurikens. The blood in the air turned into a red mist, making seeing their enemy hard. He shrieked in fear as he watched another guardian split in half, got up to call the remaining militia to fall back. Just then a sharp pain hit his chest and the world darkened. When he opened his eyes, he was staring at the face of one of his friends, his visage turned into a static mask of terror covered in blood. He realised he himself was cut in half, his lifeblood spilling on the ground. He shut his eyes in pain.
When he opened his eyes he was in his bedchambers. He realised it was just a dream and he was whole. He also realised he wasn't alone in the room. There was a figure sitting in the corner of the room where the light lost its fight against the shadows, where you could only see turquoise armoured legs and boots, sitting comfortably.
-Do you know what this is witch?
He was showing a small trinket, the size and the shape of a small egg, covered in red runes made with...probably blood.
-A Saim-Hann dreamcatcher. Who are you to enter my chambers at this forsaken hour? How did you get past the guards!
-You speak when you’re spoken to worm!
The figure coughed, murmured something, then continued talking.
- Do you know what it does?
-It amplifies the farsight of a seer and keeps it to project into other minds in reverie. I am familiar with the concept and I know how it works. Is this what will happen to us? Who were our enemies?
-My forces have been watching your movements in the sector. You risk open war with other factions, and stir up a warpspider’s nest. You make things difficult for us. My witc....My councillor is struggling with the demands of keeping our operation here secret. In eight turns of the moon we will begin a search operation in a specific sector at Ber’deod. This is what will happen if you set your wretched foot on that patch of soil you insolent wret...
Elomar watched in horror as the figure started covering his head with his hands. He couldn’t see the figures head but by the body language and the fast erratic movements it was obvious that the figure was in pain.
-Are you okay? You look like you are in pain!
With the speed it started, the erratic movement and shaking ended when the figure hit his head to the wall with a loud crack. Elomar winced. The figure continued with a silent whisper.
-Nnnghh...much....better. Remember that you’ve been warned witch. I dislike spilling the blood of my race.
With that the figure got up. Elomar could see that the figure was indeed an Eldar, a corsair at that. He had black hair, quite a handsome face, lit by the moonlight from the window he was heading. It was obvious that the man had no sleep for a long time, for his only eye was dark and weary, the other covered with a leather eye patch. He had a troubled walk. As he was a good judge of a character Elomar instantly knew the man was under tremendous stress for a very long time. The corsair approached the window, stopped before jumping out, and spoke without turning his head.
-If you do try to come, we’ll try aiming for the legs.
With that, he jumped out. Elomar ran for the window, as his chambers were quite high up, but in the darkness of the night, he only heard the scream of a jetbike, already far away. When he turned back, he saw the dreamcatcher, lying on the floor. He smiled as he picked it up, a rare gift from their distant cousins, and started to walked to the chambers of Dicaedred to deliver the news.
The serpent and the sword;
-Capt'n, there's a swordwind seer outside who says he needs to see you.
-Bring in the witch!
Nereidd shot a glance at Hauclir that would’ve frozen a warp spider mid-jump.
-Whoever’s in that head, let me do the bloody talking.
-Put your helmet on at least, I don’t want outsiders seeing your face like that.
Nereidd shook her head in disbelief as she watched Hauclir, or whomever that was controlling his motions put on the helmet with dodgy motions. The helmet, once a beautiful piece of armour made by the best artificers in the craftworld now was notched in million places, its’ beautiful turquoise hue scratched, its crest missing many hairs. It looked like an exodite fowl that was thrown outside a falcon mid-flight.
Then the Swordwind seer entered the room.
By corsair standards, he looked ridiculous. The Eldar led many different types of living qualities; some called themselves Exodites, and preferred living in forgotten planets like their ancestors, living off the land and being happy about it. Some preferred piracy, and named themselves corsairs which was hard-earned work, and involved many dangers. The others, those who live in the craftworlds mostly avoided battle and many of them have never heard a gunshot in their lifetime.
The Swordwind seer had the air about him of a craftworlder. His head was held high, his shoulders swinging with the motion like even walking was a dance for him. He wore an elegant robe with many runes and symbols around, and the design of his helmet held in his hand looked very “posh” for Nereidd. But his eyes betrayed this whole facade. Nereidd took one look at his eyes and knew that the seer was capable in combat as she was, and was not to be ridiculed with.
-Well met Nereidd and Hauclir of Saim-Hann!
-Well met Thalion-Gilgalad!, I’ve been expecting your visit, in fact, I believe we should’ve done this earlier.
-Yes indeed, I think you and I have a lot to talk about your movements in the sector, and how it will effect the swordwinds aims.
-We tried being as reclusive as we can, we needed the secrecy because, as you can see we have very limited resources and time. We just need...
-...a few more cycles to complete our search in the sector and move on, hopefully with what we need.
Thalion-Gilgalad took a glance at what he perceived as the leader of this rag-tag warband with an expression of confusion.
-And what is it?
-I unfortunately cannot tell you that. I can, however, promise you that we will hold these few zones till we’re done and hand them over to you after we’re done here. I see no disadvantage in your position.
-You make a powerful argument seer Nereidd. I can foresee that conflicting with you about this has no profit for the swordwind. We shall continue our quest without interfering and watch your actions carefully. Thank you for your time.
With that, the swordwind seer got up from his seat, and started walking to the small doorway as the sound of Hauclir’s snoring rang the room aloud. The seer turned glanced backwards to Nereidd.
-I don’t know what you’re after Nereidd, but I hope you good luck on your quest, it seems that you will need it more than I do. May Isha guide you on your perilous journey.
The climax, and the death of Nereidd;
Nereidd entered Hauclir’s room without breaking her stride, so quick that she didn’t even notice the missing guards she placed after Hauclir went mad. She searched the room with her eyes, their colour ice blue as a star going supernova, making a beautiful contrast against her raven dark hair and sharp features.
“Hauclir? Where are you?” She asked into the darkness.
“Am here” The first voice hissed.
Nereidd finally spotted Hauclir. He was sitting next to the massive window that was looking at the black sea of space, a small red cloud of gasses giving a sinister red hue to his hair and face.
“It’s good that I’ve found you, are you yourself at the moment? I cannot tell anymore”
“Yes I am, they’re gone for now, for once” The first voice replied.
“Tehehee, you’re so smart” The second voice thought.
“Shut up you fool, you’re ruining the masquerade!”
“That’s fantastic, I’ve got great news, I’ve found Adad’s lair next to a Tau outpost on the second moon! If we depart now we can be there under a cycle!” Nereidd said excitedly.
“That’s great news Nereidd! I have a question though, do you know any legends about the Talisman of Vaul that was lost in this sector?” The first voice asked.
“Don’t ask it like that you fool, you’ll make her suspicious!” The third voice thought, his voice deep and commanding.
Nereidd stopped for a second to gather her thoughts. Talisman of Vaul? They were rare and unique, why would Hauclir ask her of them?
“I’m not sure if I follow, I thought you’d be glad to hear about Adad”
“Adad? That fool’s no matter to us now, he failed what we asked him to do!” The first voice yelled as he got up from the viewpoint and walked quickly to Nereidd.
“He he hee, he spilled!” The second voice thought.
“Idiot!” The third voice added.
“You…miserable….you didn’t think I would notice?!” Nereidd asked, just as she realised the guards were missing. She backpedalled as fast as she can to the door, but Hauclir was fast, really fast. He punched her in the face and knocked her down.
“You stupid witch, I have no use for you anymore! I’ve found the way to reach the Sunkiller, much with the help of our craftworld kindred, idiots all! They helped me with great pleasure as I asked them about locations and myths!” The first voice said.
“What? The Sunkiller? Have you gone mad?!” Nereidd shrieked as she tried to break Hauclir’s grapple.
“Ha ha ha! We’ve been roaming the stars since the fall, it is our duty to find the Talisman’s and rape the whole galaxy to bring back the Empire!”The first voice said.
“Yess! Yess! It’s been so long! So long!” The second voice shrieked with Hauclir’s voice for the first time. Nereidd started getting scared, there was blood on Hauclir’s garments and murder in his single eye.
“Let go of me!” She pushed him with a psychic push, but Hauclir’s body was in good shape, he let go of her and grabbed a column to swing back with the momentum. The last thing Nereidd saw was a sword that came out of nowhere and hit her in the head.
“He he heh hee”
“It’s been nice, but now let’s get to the climax!”
Hauclir exited his room half a cycle later, his armour quickly donned as he walked towards Nereidd’s starboard side of the ship, where all the seers and the warlocks usually rested. He found what he was looking for, Farseer Lethé resting on a comfy looking sofa, enjoying the quick melodies of the corsairs that were singing and dancing on the bottom levels. She was Nereidd’s second in command, a very young but promising seer. She decided to become a farseer on her first path as an eldar. It was unusual for a such long living race to choose a path and stick to it forever.
“You there, get up!” The first voice yelled.
“Yes captain, I knew you would co…” she began
“Yeah right, Farseer Nereidd said she wanted you to come with me on this raid, she says she got a fortuneful farsight about it!”
“Really? I’ve cast the runes today and saw nothing of such, although I’m still quite new as a seer, life as a warlock on the other hand, using all your hatred and anger to fuel your….”
“Sush girl, get your puny blade and follow me”
“Yes captain.”
“He heh hee…she’s pretty”And the Last Battle of Hauclir the Kinslayer;
Hauclir jumped out of his Wave-serpent and tried to get his bearings no-thanks to the transport that didn’t even wait for it’s doors to close before setting off somewhere and raising a dust cloud that fucked up his whole vision. His forces where being grinded between the Imperial Guard that were pushing from behind and the Chaos forces that were trying to get to the Warp gate. Hauclir’s little fleet were fighting small firefights all across the battlefield for survival while he was drawn to the chaos temple that pulled him like a magnet. He covered his eyes and tried to see what was happening. A Chaos Defiler was climbing down the stairs of the massive Chaos temple, its large legs moving impossibly fast through the wrecks of a Vyper Squad that he sent to cover the Chaos advance. Behind the massive spider-like infernal machine, he spotted a lone figure, trying to open up the Warp gate.
That fool! He had no idea what purpose the temple was built there for! He was probably trying to get away using the portal, although where the portal led was a mystery, even for the voices inside Hauclir’s head. The only thing they knew was the fact that the portal had a connection to the key, and without the key, their whole plan would fail.
Hauclir sprinted like a driven man, which he was, to the stairs and climbed them four by four. “MARCHOSIAS!” He shouted, his right hand sword pointing at the Chaos Lord. “Turn your back and stop fucking around with the portal you damned fool!” He yelled. Just before Marchosias turned back, he spilled his own blood in the altar and set the portal into motion. Reality ripped apart and colours beyond imagination started to swirl into motion without any logic. Marchosias removed his helmet and drew his massive Daemonic sword from his back. “You...I’ve never seen you before!” He said, trying to get the high ground and keep his balance as the wind turned into a hurricane, all sucked into the vortex of colours.
Hauclir didn’t bother to answer, he needed to get to the gate. He ran up the stairs and jumped just before he got into melee range of Marchosias, somersaulting over his assailant and dropping down on his side. They started their swordplay and the portal went mad with their quick jabs and thrusts, Hauclir’s dualwield swashbuckler style making a bizarre contrast against Marchosias’ massive two handed sword that screamed and yelled in languages that would make mortal man cry. Hauclir feinted to the left and turned on his heels as he cut down a large wound in Marchosias’ right leg and stuck his offhand sword on his chest. Just as he went for the coup-de-gráce, he heard a massive footfall on his back. He turned around and slashed with his sword. Blood came. Then he looked up.
A giant bull-like daemon was looking back at him, its nostrils puffing smoke that got sucked into the portal. It grabbed Hauclir and he trashed in its ham-like fist, trying to get free. The daemon laughed at his efforts and threw him inside the portal. Hauclir turned in air and tried to grab something, anything. His left arm grabbed a ceremite armour plate but it was no firm ground. The last thing he saw was the panicked face of Marchosias being pulled into the eight colours of madness with him, swirling around. It smelled like music.
"I lived as a warrior, I died as a traitor. I killed my own kin, people who trusted me. I led them into their deaths. Greed made me do this. Greed started all this.
The worst thing was the eyes of Nereidd just before I killed her. I saw so many emotions there I cannot describe. Pain, betrayal, sadness.....
And the warp-gate opened in a dark room...-------------------------------------------
Iste bukadar, hepsini toplayinca tum yaz boyunca essek gibi yazmisim resmen, burdada kopyasi dursun.
Friday, March 5, 2010
(TR) Karalama ve sairé
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
(TR) Eldar Falcon WIP
Thursday, February 25, 2010
(TR) Ordu kurulumu rehberi
Oncelikle 40k ya hosgeldiniz. Buralari yazarken oyunun backgroundu hakkinda 3-5 bilginiz oldugunu farzediyorum, oyuzden enbastan baslayip tumkonuyu anlatmayacagim, daha cok amacim kendi oyun sitilinize uygun bir ordu secip, onu 0 dan satin alip, boyayip daha sonrada oynamaya baslamaniza yardimci olacak bir rehber hazirlamak.
Oncelikle, 40k da turkiyede genelde 1500 puanlik ordular kuruluyor. 1500 puan ozellikle yurtdisinda stratejik olarak az geldiginden genelde insanlar 1750-2000 puana yogunlasmis durumda, ama 1500den baslamanin bir zarari oldugunu dusunmuyorum.
Neden 1500 kotu derseniz, basitce eski olan bazi codexler, yada cogu codexteki bazi buildler yapilamiyor. Malesef bu puana ilginc kombinasyonlar sigmiyor, mesela seer council uniteleri, landraider bazli ordular yada special karakterlerin kullanildigi daha "optimize" listelere yer kalmiyor.
Ama biz yeni basladigimiz icin ve turkiyede oldugumuz icin(oyle umuyorum!) 1500 puani hedefliyoruz. Oncelikle ordumuzu secelim.
Ordumuzu secerken 3-5 seye dikkat etmemiz gerekiyor.
a- estetik
b- hitap edip etmemesi
c- galaksiye bakis acisi
d- masa ustunde nasil davrandigi
e- kitabin eskiligi ve yeniligi
Basitce bu saydigim sartlar yerine gelmezse orduyu uretirken ona olan motivasyonunuzun azalmasina yol acabilir, buda projenizin yarim kalmasina neden olabilir.
Bir ordu projesine ilk atildigimizda unutmamamiz gereken en onemli sey bu bir yaris degil, bir maraton, bir orduyu kafada yapip satin alip birlestirip boyamak gayet uzun surecek bir olay, cok hizli yapip yari yolda tukenmek istemiyoruz.
Yavas yavas sartlara gireyim. Estetik bence gayet onemli. Sonucta kucuk oyuncak askerlerle oynuyoruz, ve kendi askerciklerinizi sevmezseniz malesef ordunun yasami uzun surmeyebilir. Bazi insanlar sivri cikintili chaos marinelerden hoslanirken bagzilari japon-mecha taulari sever, bazilari boceklere bayilirken bazilari benim gibi eldar araclarina hastadir. Basitce sevdiginiz, gozunuze estetik ve hos gelen seyleri yapmaya calisin.
Hitap etmeside ayni seylere dayaniyor. Ayni estetik gibi size anlamsiz gelen birseyi yapmaya kalkmayin. Mesela 4 sene onceki black templar denemem, modeller nekadar guzel olursa olsun malesef super-cool hacli sovalyelerinin bana hic hitap etmemesinden dolayi 1000 puanda kaldi, simdi evdeki raflarda toz topluyorlar.
Galaksiye bakis acisi; Haha, bunu gordugunuzde belki garip gelmis olabilir, ama evet sonucta nekadar model oyunu olsada, olayin icinde kucuk bir RP unsuruda mevcut. Sonucta ordaki HQ choice sizi temsil ediyor. Aslinda insanliga bayilip irkci biriyseniz Tyranid oynamak cok garip olabilir degilmi?
Masa ustunde davranis - Codexin modernligi; Bu tamamen oyunla alakali bir olay, ve malesef eger baskalarina sormazsaniz orduyu bitirene kadar farkedemeyeceginiz gizli bir unsur. Basitce GW kitap yazimi konusunda biraz fikirsiz davranabiliyor. Bazi codexler edition aralarina denk gelirken, bazilari "mal" diyebilecegim yazarlar tarafindan cikiyor. Buda genelde modern codexlerin eskilerine gore biraz uste cikmasina sebep oluyor. Ama tabi istisnalar mevcut, ayrica eski codexlerdede guzel buildlar var.
Masa ustune gelirsem, bazi ordular tahmin edebileceginiz gibi daha hantal, daha dayanikli, daha hizli, daha kirilgan ve daha atese duskun/cc meraklisi olabiliyor. Kabaca soylemem gerekirse, yeni edition mekanize ordulari destekliyor. Hiz, lojistik gayet onemli. Bunun disinda shooty yada CC oynamaniz bence pek birsey degistirmez, sadece kafanizda neye agirlik vereceginizi secin, ve bununla barisin. CC ordulari ilk 1-2 tur hafif dayak yermis gibi gozukup sonra karsi takimi yokedebilirken, shooty olanlarda ilk baslarda gayet rahat karsi takimi kaldirabiliyorlar. Tabi dediklerim gayet degiskenlere dayanan seyler.
Ilk panik anlari, 29 eldar karsisinda 60 marine ve destek guclerimi? Codexim eski sanirim
Ayrica kendinize birsuru referans bulun. Rehberin sonuna bildigim ve hatirladigim tum 40k sayfalarini eklemeye caliscagim, ama bu cok cok COK onemli. Artworkler, kitaplar(eger okumayi seviyorsaniz), baska insanlarin yaptigi ordulara bakmaniz hem kafanizi acicak hemde size itici guc vericektir.
Basice tum rehber boyunca kendimden bir ornek vererek gidecegim, gecen sene yaptigim Saim-Hann ordusunu nasil yaptigimi soyleyerek gidersem sanirim daha anlatici olur;
Ben eldarlari sectim, cunku acikcasi bana gayet hitap ediyorlar. Gerek jetbike gerek araclari gayet estetik ve guzel gozukuyorlar. Kirilgan bir ordu olmasina ragmen guzel bir listeyle korkunc dayanikli ve haraketli bir ordu yapabilecegime karar verdim. Ayrica Saim-Hann in kirmizi ustune siyah renkleri gayet grafiksel olarak guclu ve goze batiyorlar, masa ustunde guzel duracagini biliyorum.
Buldugum birkac artwork.
Yada mesela Raven guard;
Ordu listesini yapmak
Bu ilkkez yapiyorsaniz biraz zor gelebilir. Ortalikta ucusan birsuru wargear, birsuru karakter, birsuru bilmediginiz kural ve birsuru puan var. Onemli degil, gayet basit birsekilde halledecegiz.
Oncelikle, kafamizda 1500 puan yapmak var, 1500 gayet bogucu olabiliyor, oyuzden onu 3x500 puan olarak boluyorum.
ilk 500 puana amacim 2 troop ve 1HQ sokmak. Neden diye sorarsaniz, basitce istedigim sey, belki benimle baslamis bir arkadasa karsi boyama seanslarim devam ederken 3-5 oyun oynamak. 500 puanla gayet eglenceli maclar yapabiliriz. Daha sonra kafanizdaki taktige ve oyun tarziniza gore elite/FA/heavy support yada belki 1hq daha ekleyerek gidebilirsiniz. Her adimda insanlara sormayi ve internetten birseyler okumayi unutmayin.
Ilk 500 puanim yavastan olusuyor, hey bu baseler biraz fazlami buyuk?
Tum orduyu 3 e bolup parca parca boyamak size birseyi bitirme hissi verecek. Bu biraz komik gelsede, MMO oynadiysaniz XP barini dusunun. Kocaman bar genelde 20 ye bolunmustur, ve 4x5 lik ceyreklere ayrilmistir. Ilk basta bir ceyregi doldururuz, sonra yariya ittiririz, sonra 75%, sonrada biter. Bu aradaki "mini-ding"ler bize basarma hissi verdiginden moralimiz bozulmaz. Ayni seyi burda yapacagiz.
Ilk 500 icinde 2 troop olmasinin baska bir iyi yani, basitce kabul etmemiz gerekirse troop boyamak okadarda eglenceli degil. Sonucta bunlar ordunuzdaki en temel ve bayik adamlar, cogunlukla pekbir ozellikleri yok, onlari boyayip kurtulmamiz gelecekte isimize yarayacak.
2. 500 ve 3. 500 e girerken, size verebilecegim en buyuk tavsiye, kendinize bayik uniteler ve eglenceli uniteler secin, ve araya birertane eglenceli unite katarak bayik uniteleri boyayin. Mesela Marine yapiyorsak, 10 kisilik tactical bitince kendinize hediye olarak bir speeder boyayabilirsiniz. Bu hem cesitlilik katacak, hemde bir sonraki tactical yiginina girmeden once guzel bir ara vermis olacaksiniz. HQ choicelar, fast attacklar ve eliteler bence gayet eglenceli "aralar" olabilir.
Tum bayik Trooplar bitti, simdi eglence zamani!
Ayrica arada her bloku tamamladiktan sonra 2-3 mac yapin. Elinizdeki unitelere alisin ve onlarin iyi/kotu ozelliklerini ogrenin.
Yine Saim-Hann orneginden gidiyorum;
Ilk 500 puanim icin oncelikle 6 tane guardian jetbike yaptim. Bunlari 2x3 luk olarak ayirdim. Sonra kendime jetbike ustunde bir farseer yaptim. Ayrica artan zamanimda 3 tanede shining spear boyadim. Christmas tatilinde 500 puanlik 2-3 mac yaptiktan sonra shining spearlarin gordugum en kotu unite secimlerinden biri olduguna karar verdim, ve onlari daha sonra baska birseyde kullanmak icin kenara ayirdim.
Daha sonraki 500luk blok icin kendime 10 tane dire avanger aldim. Onlari bitirince odul olarak 1 fireprism boyadim. Daha sonra 6 tane daha Guardian jetbike yapip odul olarak 3 tane vyper boyadim.
3. 500luk blokumda Dire avangerlarima bir Serpent transport aldim (cunku deneme oyunlarimda etrafta kosup heavyflame yemeleri pek etkilemedi beni) Ayrica 2. fireprismimi bitirdim, yaptigim shining spearlari parcalayip seer council icin warlock yaptim ve ordum 1500 puan oldu.
Nedense marine zergi hic bitmiyor, Helehendriel nerde hata yaptik!
Dizayn ve Boyamak
Sonucta hepimiz ordumuzun masa ustunde guzel gozukmesini istiyoruz. Bu ilk baslarda cok onemli gelmese bile "abi nasilsa sonra boyarim 1-2 mac yapiyim once" ye kendimizi kaptirip gitmek gayet kotu. Etrafta boyle birsuru ornek var.
Onceki yazdigim bloklari bence boyayarak gitmek, ve bir blok bitmeden 2. ye gecmemek gayet onemli kurallar. Eger bu disiplini kendinize koyabilirseniz boyamakta hicbir sikinti cekeceginizi sanmiyorum.
Ana konumuza gelince, her ordunun belirli bir dizayni var. Genelde 2 ana renk, ve 1 insignia rengi, dikkati cekicek guzel bir logo ve modellerin baseleri cok onemli.
Tek tek girersem;
Ana renkler - Ana renkleriniz sizin boyama kalitenize gore degisiyor. Mavi-yesil-kahverengi-gri gibi renkleri boyamak gayet kolayken kirmizi-sari-siyah-beyaz ordulari boyamak gayet zor ve yorucu olabilir. Kendinize tavsiyem 2 tane guzel ve uyumlu renk secip ustune gitmeniz. Ornek vermem gerekirse;
Ultramarinelerdeki mavi/altin, Boceklerin kahverengi ve guzel parlak kabuklari, eldarlarin canli renkleri ve kontrastlari (kirmizi-siyah) olabilir.
Boyama ve renk uyumlari konusunda internette birsuru rehber var, ayrica burdaki forumlardada sorulariniz olursa herkes yardimci olur.
Insignia-logo : Bence gayet onemli olan birseyde ordunuzun logosu ve insignialar. Bu malesef yine "abi sonra yaparim"'a kurban giden bir olay olmasina ramen, birkez bir blokunuz bitince gayet hizlica bir aksamda halledebileceginiz seyler. Logolar ve insignialar dikkat cektiginden ve modelde ayri biyer tuttugundan hatalari kapatip ordunuzun dahada iyi gozukmesine sebep olacaktir. Bu adimi atlamamanizi tavsiye ederim.
Eger o yilan sembolleri olmasaydi bu model nekadar bayik dururdu
Baseler: Malesef modellerin tabanida "abi sonra yaparim"'a kurban gidiyor. Modellerin tabanini yapmak gayet hizli ve kolay, ama malesef biraz kirli bir is. Onemli olan oynadiginiz masaya uyumlu birsey yapmak degil, lutfen bunu boyle anlamayin, ve ordunuza uygun baseler yapin. Space wolflara karli/tasli baseler, orklara ashworld gibi kumluk araziler gayet guzel ornekler, ve base yaparken hayal gucunuz son sinir.
Cok basit 1-2 hileyle cok dramatik tabanlar hazirlamak gayet kolay
Saim-Hann ornekleri;
Genel olarak Saim-Hann'in onceden dizayn edilmis cok hos bir yilan logosu, ve cok guclu 2 renkten olusan bir boyamasi var. Kendime hosuma giden bir kirmizi aldiktan sonra boyama denemelerine basladim. Zamanla maskeleyerek boyamam hizlandi, ayrica logolari elle cizmemde modelleri daha hos ve gercekci gosterdi. Ayrica tanklar ustune cizmek icin internette biraz arastirma yaptiktan sonra cok hos desenler buldum.
Orduda cektigim en buyuk problem, jetbike baselerinin landspeeder basei cikmasiydi. Acikcasi etrafta ucan 7 kisilik squadlarda o baselerle oynamak imkansiz. Birkac danisma sonrasi kendime birsuru terminator base'i aldim, ve onlarin ustune oturttum.
Ulthwé ordularindan arakladigim ic-ice gecen cizgiler ve birkac yilan semboluyle sanirim tanklari hallettik!
Atladigim bircok sey olabilir, birseyler eklemek istersenizde lutfen yapin, cunku birsuru insanin farkli calisma stilleri var, bu sadece benimki. Ama umarim burdaki basit disiplinleri takip ederseniz masa ustunde gayet iyi duracak bir ordunuz olacaktir!
Bitirmeden once bana cok yardimci olan, ve surekli aktif oldugum 3-5 forum ve siteyi yazayim, gunluk hayatinizda bayinca aradabir bakarsaniz gayet yardimci ve ilham verici seyler bulabilirsiniz eminim.
CMoN yillardan beri duran, ve dunyadaki hemen hemen en iyi boyacilarin toplandigi bir site. Sag taraftaki search butonundan belirli bir 1-10 a kadar kalite rakami girip aradiginiz seyi yazarsaniz (ornegin 8/10 ustu eldar falcon) ilham verici ve gayet hos binlerce ornek bulabilirsiniz.
B&C basindan beri "sadece power armor" fasistligi yapan bir forum. Burda sadece Space marine/chaos marine ve engizisyon gucleri hakkinda seyler bulabilirsiniz. Gayet kibar ve iyi kalpli painting bolumu olan, yaptiginiz isleri postlayip cevap alabileceginiz bir site, ayrica her chapter hakkinda kendine ozel forumlari mevcut.
Warseer modelcilik ustune internetteki en buyuk forum. 40k-WHFB ve daha birsuru duydugunuz yada duymadiginiz oyun hakkinda rumourlar, boyama teknikleri, yeni cikicak seyler, guzel galeriler ve en yeni haberler icin buraya gidin, gunde enazindan birkez check ettigim sitelerden biri.
Lexicanum bir 40k wikisi. Her chapter, her olay ve her kitap hakkinda bilgi bulmak, merak ettiginiz karakterler hakkinda birseyler okumak, yada insignia/logo bilgileri almak mevcut. Ayrica bazen cok eski index astartes resimleri falanda olabiliyor. Proje baslarinda check etmek icin iyi biyer.
Stelek nekadar agir bir dili olsa ve tam bir "amerikan krosu" gibi yazsada, gerek zekasi, gerekte ordu listesi yapimindaki aklima gelmicek ucuk fikirleriyle beni etkilemeyi basarmis bir adam. Kendisinin blogu olan bu sitede gunluk yeni ordu listesi fikirleri veya guncel olaylar hakkinda bilgi alabilirsiniz. Gayet iyi "best of X" ordulari mevcut, eger optimum bir liste ariyorsaniz bakmanizi oneririm.
BoLS da gayet unlu bir site, genelde GW taraftari ve at gozlukleri nedeniyle sevmesemde (elestiri yapmadan herseyi kabullenmeleri krize sokuyor beni) yeni olaylar ve yeni cikicak minyaturlerin fotograflari icin gayet iyi.
Simdilik bukadar, umarim yardimci olmus ve okunabilinecek bir dille yazmisimdir. Daha ilerde belki biraz duzeltilip daha iyi bir guide haline getirilebilinir! ;)
(TR)Step by Step Guardsmen - Ilk post
Oncelikle daha onceden yazdigim bir tutorial olan birseyi koyayim dedim. Malesef farkli yerlerde olan seyler karisip forumlarda yokolabiliyor.
Baslamadan once bir not, malesef hala yeni fotograf makinama alisamadim, bagzi size problemleri olabilir, bidahaki sefere daha iyi olacaktir.
Kullandigim teknik gayet kolay, ve cok cok cok hizli. [u]Ama bu yontemi sadece tabletop quality boyamak istiyorsaniz kullanin[/u], cunku isin sonunda cok yakindan bakmak istemeyeceginiz seyler cikabilir ;)
Fotograflarin ustune basinca buyuyorlar.
Oncelikle, modelimizi kabaca bir boyama kitabi olarak dusunelim. Cesitli yerler cesitli ana renklere boyanicak. Ilk stepte metalik renklere bulasmiyoruz, highlight yapmiyoruz. Sadece duz ve purussuz bir anarenk istiyoruz.
Bu asamada renk olarak dheneb stone(foundation) Catachan green ve scorched brown kullandim. Siyah icinde chaosblack ile cok azicik beyaz karistirdim. (asla ama asla siyahi kutudan ciktigi gibi kullanmiyoruz).
Sonra highlightlari yapiyorum. Highlightlar icin koyu renkleri bleeched bone ile karistiyoruz, pantalonda beyaz (cunku pantalonun rengi bleeched bone dan daha acik). Highlight yaparken nekadar kat atarsak okadar iyi. Beyazlar, bleeched bone ile acilmis renkler, derinin cikintilari, ve daha sonra yapmak icin hazir beyaz acikken gozleri yaptik.
Bu etapta son detaylari koyacagim. Gozbenekleri, omuzlardaki dekaller. Ve toz. Tozu yaptigim 2 fircayi size gosteriyim, bunlari basitce boyayi alip sonra nerdeyse hic boya kalmicak sekilde (drybrushtan ote, resmen hic boya kalmasin) sildikten sonra pat pat pat pat diye vurarak tozlanmasini istedigimiz yerlere vuruyoruz. Tanklarida boyle yapiyorum. Burda omuzluklarin alt taraflari, ayakkabilar ve dizlere kadar bunu uyguladim, ayrica lasgunlarin ustundede var.
Ok tamamdir, simdi hersey (metalikler haric, onlari hala yapmadim) Devlan Mud ile inklemek icin hazir! Tum modeli onceki gibi yikiyoruz devlan mud ile, cok gelen yerleri kurumadan selpakla dokundurup suyunu alabiliriz.
Umarim yardimci olur. Dekalleri elle cizdim ben ama eger useniyorsaniz waterslide yapip ayni teknigi ustunde uygulayabilirsiniz. Dekali yapistirdiktan sonra alttaki renk ile (burda yesil) cesitli yerlerden boyasi cikmis gibi 2-3 firca darbesiyle bu efekt oluyor.
artik simdi..